Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How I learned to despise a JLA story

Reviews, better late than never.  Spoilers ahead for JLA #45.
JLA #45
Oh god this was horrible.  Lets start with the cover.  There is this beautiful rendition of Supergirl available as an alternate cover:

Except, my shop, like many others I think, couldn't get it in.  So I was stuck with this monstrosity:

That has to be one of the ugliest covers ever.  It's comparable with 90s comic art, at it's worst.

Let's compare those images again:

Beautiful!  And ugh, ugh, ugh.

That wasn't a good start.

Now, I used to love the JLA.  The version with Kyle, Wally, Martian Manhunter, Diana, Bats, Supes, Aquaman and Plastic Man is my favourite.  But tbh, I like the whole JLA dynamic and feel.  That's why I read so much of JLE and JLI.  Having said that, I bought this book primarily cos it has Kara in it, and I was excited about seeing her mesh with the JLA.

Utill I opened the book, I'd forgotten that this isn't the JLA, it's a bunch of D lister wannabes.

In less inflammatory speech, it's full of legacy characters.  Amd Congofuckingrilla.  And some blue skinned dude of whom I know not his name, despite him featuring heavily in Cry for Justice.

So, D listers then.  I'd like Kara in the JLA, but this ain't the JLA, it's a bunch of Titans who don't command the respect or awe in the populace of the DCU and are way more serious than they really should be.  They haven't earnt the mantle of the JLA.  The JLA should be icons.  These guys aren't.  At all.  Supergirl could be, if she was placed amongst other icons.

And on top of that, you've got the JSA in it.  A selection of characters who while interesting individually bore me to tears when placed in a group setting.  I just think each JSA member shines better when not in a JSA title.  Jay Garrick is wonderful with the Flash family.  Alan Scott is great with the Green Lanterns.  Wildcat is awesome with Dinah.  Jesse Quick is just awesome all the time.

You see, I don't think this book was ever gonna sit well with me.  Well maybe it could have, but there's far too much exposition, far too many monologues and back history included.  Pages 2 and 3 are really boring splash pages firstly of Alan Scott and then of Jade - they are just standing there surrounded by green.  4 pages later you have a double splash of Power Girl.  It's dull art layout.  It's not dramatic, it's boring.  And then there's 2 more splash pages.  You shouldn't have 5 in one comic book!  And the anatomy, gah the anatomy is terrible.

Dick!Batman sounds out of character - far too surprised, unaware of what is going on and not in control.  I realise he's not Bruce but from my reading of him in Red Robin and Batgirl he's a lot tougher and on the ball than shown here.

And Jade - this isn't the Jade I read in the Kyle's run of GL.  She's boring, and a bit stupid.  Jade should never be stupid.  She's smart and sharp.

So, it's ugly to look at and it's terrible to read.  I'm quite tempted to throw it in the bin.

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