Monday, February 14, 2011

Cameron's Cuts

Over on Diary of a Benefit Scrounger I found this interesting post, which I am crossposting and reformatting to make easier to read:

"any cabinet minister … who comes to me and says 'Here are my plans' and they involve frontline reductions, they'll be sent straight back to their department to go away and think again"....
"Our plans involve cutting wasteful spending....our plans don't involve an increase in VAT....
"I wouldn't change child benefit, I wouldn't means test it, I don't think that's a good idea".....
"It is sick and frankly disgusting to say we will end the two week cancer guarantee" .....
"Hospitals are my number one priority to be totally protected"......
"I Absolutely support the EMAs".....
"I will lead the greenest government ever"......
"Tax office is to soften stance on tax avoidance, FT".....
"Tax breaks for wealthy heirs, FT".....   
"measures to tackle the budget (VAT) would have to be "pretty permanent" - but he (Cameron) hoped the 50p tax rate for top earners would be scrapped, BBC".....
"This is the support, trust and respect that parents of those with disabilities deserve. Because we can never forget what an amazing job they do. Just consider what it would mean if the army of parents and carers in this country gave up, packed up, said they couldn't cope any more. The financial cost of looking after those children would be immense" .....
"David Cameron and Mr Osborne sought to kill off Labour claims that they would slash public services by pledging to match the (Labour) Government's (spending) plans during the first two years of a Conservative government. The pledge ran until 2010/11, Daily Mail, Feb 08"

I really loathe this government.

The #projv project on twitter has been throwing up some enlightening stories: 

: we get top level but Gov plan to reduce claims by 20% tho it'll cost 2x current level of fraud!

 : I'll swap my DLA + pain + brain-fuzz with someone that has the ability to work 5 days a week
: Getting toddler wheelchair gloves for @ (paid for by DLA) They cost more than wool mittens.... DLA is important! 
Bliss - have a lovely soothing wheat bag to shove on my hip. Guess what I paid for it with?
For some isn't extra money. is the lifesaver that makes life worth living,things most people take for granted.Protect  
"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." 
I gave up my when I could earn; it was my lifeline when I couldn't. I weep at the loss of dignity if it goes
my partner works 17hrs p/w cares4me the rest of the time unpaid.apparently 17hrs is sufficient for2people to live on
I 4got + disability premiums also fund internet access without which I'd have no social contact whatsoever

That's great you both have one another, I'd be lost without my fiance. DLA means I can walk down the aisle
@ + disability premiums enable me 2 eat, exercise, read, sleep & leave my house.
Without DLA I would be housebound and unable to contribute to society.
Really, it makes me sick (speaking as an unpaid carer who completed the monster of a form for Dad's paltry amount of ).
This government is not for us.  It is not governing with our mandate.  We do not want it.  Speak out.  Speak up.

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