Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tyr = the win

Oh yes. If you like your epic metal check them out. I think they're Norse. Anyway they've got at least 3 albums , called How far to Aasgard, Eric the Red and Ragnarok. I like them so much I think I'll even buy the album.
After years of loathing all new music I'm so pleased I've found stuff I like. Turns out the reason I've been going wrong is by listening to the radio playing indie crap. As soon as I bought a metal magazine with a free CD called Battle Metal, I found the stuff I liked. It's not like the death or goth metal that I'd heard in the 90s, this is so much better. Less (if any) screaming and more tuens. Awesome. Ina similar vein I've also found Alestorm (Scottish pirate metal and unbelievabely good fun), Ensiferum and Turisas. Must find more.


Lord Runolfr said...

With a name like "Tyr" and album titles like "Asgard", "Eric the Red", and "Ragnarok", they'd better be Norse.

I've never really been a metal fan, but you've just about convinced me to see if they have a free MP3 out for people who want a sample of their music.

Saranga said...

Try amazon and myspace, i think that's how I heard a sample.
Let me know what you think!
With a name like "Tyr" and album titles like "Asgard", "Eric the Red", and "Ragnarok", they'd better be Norse.
Ha ha too right!