Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heroes season 2 (spoilers)

*Disclaimer* I hope people don't expect me to continue writing thoughtful posts, because that usually only happens once I've become really familiar with something. Usually they're somewhat frivolous and ill thought out.
Anyway, now I've dashed people's expectations and thoroughly put myself down I'll continue with the fun.
Heroes, season 2. Finally got my arse in gear to watch it (1st four episodes at least). I keep gushing over parts. there's so much good, and there's some baaad.
Second disclaimer: I'm hopeless with remembering character's name. So they get described by their power or their job.
Obviously this post contains spoilers
The good:
  • Claire and flying boy's first flight. How Superman/Lois esque. And doesn't flying boy resemble Tom Welling in Smallville?
  • (not quite yet) Ninja Hiro's foray into the past and his starting to become a ninja (I hope).
  • Mohinder and Matt(?) the Cop's parental relationship. Awesome. I'd have expected more gay subtext and gay jokes, I'm very glad they haven't gone down that route. Plus it's nice to see that men can bring up kids without being portrayed as a child molester.
  • Peter Petrelli is no longer an emo grease monkey. Thank the lord.
  • Nathan Petrelli's beard. Then he shaved it off. Booo.
  • Claire. Made of win. I love her. Although having the ability to regenerate and heal anything isn't so useful when she still feels pain. It's also kind of a defensive passive power - she can't do anything with it, yet. There were a few lines where she discussed the possibility of lending her body to research to help others regrow limbs and heal etc. That would be good if they went with that and gave her a more active role. On the other hand, she's what, 16? Up until episode 4 she still pretty much respects her parents and is a minor and will follow their lead. I don't really know where I'm going with this...
  • Micah's imitative cousin. Women kicking arse in fights will always always win. Especially when it's done so damn elegantly.
The bad:
  • Peter's random Irish lady friend. For a start I'm pretty sure her and her mates/brothers don't have Cork accents. But that's a minor gripe.
  • The Irish 'family' having a pint of Guinness to celebrate their robbery. What you couldn't think of another drink? Not everyone in Ireland drinks bloody Guinness you know. It was a pointless inclusion in the scene and smacked of racial stereotyping. It would have been a perfectly good scene if they'd all had a shot of whiskey instead, or a smoke, or just cheered.
  • The lady friend. She seems rather pointless to me. I cannot fathom why she's in the show. So far it seems to be to provide totty for the viewers to watch, a love interest for Peter, Peter's conscience and a way for him to find out about his healing powers. All about Peter. We know nothing about her, apart from she's kind and sympathetic (for no apparent reason). There may have been a line in episode number 2 about her treating Peter nice because her brothers beating him hadn't worked, but that seemed rather forced to me. Am I being too picky?
  • Allecto criticised Firefly for not providing enough of Saffron's back story. Saffron had a bloody saga given to her compared to Irish lady friend. I have no idea about how she feels about crime, about each of her brothers/mates or in fact anything beyond Peter. And I can't quite work out why she immediately fell for him, other than it suited the plot. Most other non powered characters in the show freak out when they discover someone has powers, and Peter's are pretty scary. Maybe she's a comic nerd. Or maybe I'm missing something vital. Do tell.


Jfcfanatic said...

Sorry Saranga, you just have to keep watching. Trust me, you understand why the Irish lady is there. My favorite story line was Hiro's. It just got better and better. I can't wait to see what you think of it!

Lord Runolfr said...

Peter Petrelli is no longer an emo grease monkey.
No comment.

Although having the ability to regenerate and heal anything isn't so useful when she still feels pain.
She feels it, but not the way we do. It doesn't seem to debilitate her in any way.

The Irish 'family' having a pint of Guinness to celebrate their robbery. What you couldn't think of another drink?
More likely, NBC got paid for some product placement.

The lady friend. She seems rather pointless to me.
You don't know the half of it.

Truly excessive Heroes geekery
I'm one of the admins: Ted C.