Saturday, February 01, 2014

Happy Imbolc!

My favourite time of the year!  Imbolc is St Brigid's Day, the time of year when we notice the daylight lasting a little longer and the first bulbs start poking through the soil. Last year we had snowdrops in early January and snows in February.  This year I have yet to see a snowdrop, the weather has been exceptionally mild for winter and we have mostly had rain.  The temperature has stayed between 2 and 7 degrees for January, which I can just about cope with.

Brigid is the goddess of the forge, of poetry and of medicine.  Brigid means firey arrow and her day is a fire festival, a festival of light.  In her honour (and the season's honour) we should light candles and do something creative.  Brigid is also the goddess of childbirth so if you are pregnant or due to labour you could consider sending a few prayers her way.

I am going to be spending the day in London with family but I think I shall enjoy some sheep's milk cheese and biscuits on Sunday.  If I could I'd also have a beer as Brigid is known for turning water into beer.

Whether you celebrate the Celtic Brigid, the Christian St Brigid or the Chinese New Year I wish you a good weekend and health and happiness in the coming months.

Pendant showing Brigid with her fire aspect.  Taken from this Deviantart page.

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