
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tyr - not Norse

From the Faroe Islands instead. I'm rather disappointed by that. Still awesome though.

Edit: Can you say OMFG? Battle Metal band Turisas cover Boney M's Rah Rah Rasputin.
I love metal covers of pop songs. I'm now thinking we should have stayed to watch them at the gig, but hey, I was having such a bad day I just needed to go home.
For bonus points - check out the decidely non metal crowd of models they've got to be the fans. Lame.


  1. Anonymous8:37 pm

    If something is from the Faroe Islands then it is Norse, so please don't be disappointed. ;p

  2. Am I demonstrating my inability to grasp geography again?!
    According to Wikipedia (*cough* I know it can't be trusted *cough*) the Faroe Islands are linked to Denmark. I thought Norse just referred to Norway?
